Suspect Japanese Knotweed? Get it identified by trusted experts now!
Japanese Knotweed was first introduced in the UK in the 1850s as a decorative, ornamental plant. It was used to help stabilise railway embankments and cuttings as well as highway infrastructure. Nowadays it is classed as an ‘Invasive non-native species’ that appears in the schedule 9 list under the Wildlife Countryside Act (1981) and it has been recognised as problematic for over 3 decades.
It is an offence under the Wildlife Countryside Act (1981) to ‘plant or otherwise cause to grow in the wild’ any plant listed in schedule 9, part 2, which includes Japanese Knotweed. Furthermore, since 2014, landowners (including private householders) who do not control Japanese Knotweed in their property can face prosecution. The value of a property may be significantly affected if Japanese Knotweed is present and when selling a property the owner is legally responsible to declare its presence or they may be liable for any costs incurred in dealing with the problem at a later date (including any legal costs). Therefore it is essential to seek professional advice from a reliable, experienced specialist that can provide suitable guidance through what can be a worrying situation.
At Helmrig Ltd we are experienced in all areas when it comes to Japanese Knotweed and other invasive plant species. We provide accurate identification using safe methods and can help you come up with a plan for treatment and removal. Our friendly team has earned their ‘specialist’ title by doing what they promise to, with successful identification and treatment of Japanese Knotweed on over 2000 sites.
Why choose Knotweed Eradication?
Knotweed Eradication, as part of Helmrig Ltd, offers a complete solution to your Japanese Knotweed problem. From initial discussion and consultation, to carrying out thorough site surveys then production and implementation of invasive weed management plans, we will successfully manage a site’s knotweed problem to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties concerned, in a timely, cost-effective manner that includes appropriate treatment options for a given set of circumstances. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ answer when it comes to knotweed, however through continued dialogue Knotweed Eradication will ensure appropriate strategies are implemented to effectively deal with the problem and avoid excessive costs or inappropriate options for the client.
We offer peace of mind throughout extensive knowledge when it comes to dealing with Japanese Knotweed. We have a dedicated team of qualified and experienced individuals that take a great deal of pride in their work. We take a straight-forward approach – we go about our work in a manner we would expect from a professional doing work at our own home! Our friendly and knowledgeable team regularly receive praise from clients. We have built some great relationships over the years which has led to many repeat clients, resulting in over 2000 successfully completed sites.

We don’t just offer identification when it comes to this invasive plant, we offer Japanese Knotweed surveys and treatments too.

What is Japanese Knotweed
There are several varieties of Japanese Knotweed in its natural habitat. They usually grow near roads, rivers, on sunny sides of hills, mountains and ditches, and are spread normally by seeds. Japanese Knotweed has strong rhizome systems which are the stems that grow parallel just beneath the ground; sometimes, rhizomes are mistakenly called roots. Rhizomes are like stems that grow underground and they can damage foundations and infiltrate structures. Japanese Knotweed rhizomes can grow down to a depth of three metres and extend outwards up to seven metres. Japanese Knotweed normally spreads via its rhizomes; a fragment as small as 0.7 grams of viable rhizome is enough to give rise to a new plant, information can be found with our Japanese Knotweed surveys. At the mature stage, the stems are hollow and not woody and can be snapped easily to show their hollowness.